Lesson 11. Section 8

- Section 8 is one of the largest—and oldest—government programs aimed at helping people find affordable housing. Lesson 11 provides information on what is it, where does it exist and how does it work.

Lesson 12. A Renter's Rights

- Your tenants have rights.  As an Apartment Manager it is important to be aware of what these rights are.  In Lesson 12 you will learn the basics of what are renters rights.

Lesson 13. Key Agencies

- There are key agencies that provide services to both tenants as well as landlords.  Become familiar with theses agencies and how they may help you in your responsibilities as an Apartment Manager in Lesson 13.

Lesson 14. Apartment Repair and Maintenance

- A responsibility of an Apartment Manager is maintaining the overall maintenance and repair of the building.  In lesson 18, learn what you are responsible for along with the codes and standards that serve as a guide for a well maintained building.

Lesson 15. SCEP

- The SCEP program is to ensure conformity with State and local health and safety codes.  Lesson 15 provides you with details of SCEP’s goals in preserving City’s rental housing stock, and protecting the health, safety and welfare of tenants.